Meet Privy - Digital Signature, your premier solution for digitally signing documents with both ease and top-notch security. Designed to cater to your pursuit of efficiency, the platform stands out by employing cutting-edge asymmetric cryptography and public key infrastructure to guarantee the authenticity of each signature. Endorsed by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, documents signed with this solution carry the weight of legal documents, granting you peace of mind in your digital transactions.
Not just a tool; it's a robust digital signing platform that streamlines your document workflow. The app simplifies the transition from paper to digital, promoting a more eco-friendly and organized method of handling contracts and agreements. Say goodbye to the cumbersome task of manual signing and embrace the efficiency of processing numerous documents seamlessly.
Standout features include an integrated platform that allows for seamless management of your digital document needs. Transition effortlessly between accounts with the Account Switcher, navigate through complex signing sequences with options for both serial and parallel workflows, and request signatures or reviews with just a few taps. To further enhance the user experience, the service offers a comprehensive progress overview, encrypted digital certificates for added security, biometrics for authentication, and liveness detection to thwart unauthorized access.
Around-the-clock customer support ensures that any questions or concerns are addressed promptly, providing uninterrupted productivity.
Start harnessing the power of Digital Signature today and make the leap towards smarter, secure, and legally compliant document management. Whether you're a professional seeking efficiency or a business aiming for digital transformation, Privy - Digital Signature is your trusted partner in the world of electronic signatures.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 7.0 or higher required
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